What Does N95 Really Mean?
Tips and Updates What Does N95 Really Mean? Selecting respirators appropriate for your workplace can be a daunting task. Respiratory protection program managers need to understand the airborne hazards in their facilities, determine the required assigned protection factor for a respirator, choose what type of respirator is needed (air-purifying or atmosphere-supplying, tight-fitting or loose-fitting)
Attitude and Safety – Fostering Positive Attitude at Work
Tips and Updates Attitude and Safety – Fostering Positive Attitude at Work How does attitude affect your work and safety on the job? What is your attitude today? We all have days where our overall attitude could improve, but how is yours towards your coworkers, supervisor, or safety on a
Winter Driving Tips
Tips and Updates Winter Driving Tips Severe weather can be both frightening and dangerous for automobile travel. Motorists should know the safety rules for dealing with winter road emergencies. We remind motorists to be cautious while driving in adverse weather. Many of you may be traveling out of town for
Fixed Objects – Driving
Tips and Updates Fixed Objects (Motor Vehicle Safety) Striking fixed objects with moving equipment or vehicles is common in manufacturing settings, on construction sites, and in occupations such as delivery drivers. If the proper steps are taken to prevent them, these incidents are 100% avoidable. It is important to take
Understanding and Avoiding Near Misses
Tips and Updates Understanding and Avoiding Near Misses A concrete contractor forgoes fall protection because he finds it uncomfortable. Later that day, he slips and nearly falls off the floor of the 12 story building he is working on. A project manager is reading their smartphone as they walk down
Alligator Safe Work Practices
Tips and Updates Alligator Safe Work Practices Pre-Job Inspection: • Inspect the jobsite for alligator presence (nests, gator tracks, bank slides, bubble trails, sunning, and signs of predation events) before starting work. • Determine if it is necessary to enter or work near the water. • Evaluate if a better
Slips, Trips, and Falls
Tips and Updates Slips, Trips, and Falls Here are some of the reasons why people slip, trip, and fall in the workplace and what can be done to identify and eliminate or control these hazards. Slips Falls due to slips occur when there is not enough friction between the walking
Escaping From A Vehicle
Tips and Updates Escaping From A Vehicle The decision to escape the vehicle must be made as soon as the vehicle leaves the road and enters the water. Attempt to rapidly extricate yourself and escape before the vehicle begins to sink. If the occupants delay their escape from the vehicle
The walls will fall; we just don’t know when.
Tips and Updates The walls will fail; we just don’t know when. The walls will fail; we just don’t know when. A rule to always remember about trenching.Consider this scenario that led to a worker’s death: A false sense of security was formed because the workers had been doing similar
What is Heat Exhaustion?
Tips and Updates What is Heat Exhaustion? What is Heat Exhaustion? 7 Things you should know.Areas all over the world have experienced historic highs in extreme heat. Even when temperatures hover near the norms, heat poses a dangerous threat that can sometimes be fatal. Close to seven hundred people each