Corporate Engineering Group

Address: 8008 South Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL 32809
Ph: 407-855-3860 | Fx: 407-859-8121
Situated in Ardaman’s Orlando headquarters office, the Corporate Engineering Group is comprised of over 60 engineers, scientists, designers and technicians who provide engineering design and construction engineering services on major projects in Florida, the United States and worldwide. With over 40 years of specialized expertise in the design of industrial solid waste facilities (especially those associated with the phosphate fertilizer industry) Ardaman has designed over 100 such disposal areas on six continents. The group also provides services on dams and earthen structures, water resources and assessment and remediation of contaminated sites. Most of the group’s engineers and scientists have advanced degrees, and many hold doctorate degrees. The staff is supported by one of the best-equipped geotechnical laboratories in the United States. The laboratory capabilities include most geotechnical tests required for designing infrastructure and resource projects. The laboratory has been inspected and qualified by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (for geotechnical testing) and the Geosynthetic Accreditation Institute Laboratory Accreditation Program (for geosynthetics testing including synthetic liners). The laboratory has a United States Department of Agriculture soil permit to import foreign soils for testing purposes.