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Hot Dog Keeps his Company Cool on Dogs of Destiny
- By Chip Hoover, P.E
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Chip Hoover P.E., from of our Sarasota office has helped raise and train puppies for Southeastern Guide Dogs for five years.
Southeastern Guide Dogs transforms lives by creating and nurturing extraordinary partnerships between people and dogs. They breed, raise, and train elite guide dogs, service dogs, and skilled companion dogs to provide life changing services at no cost to the recipients.
Chip’s most recent puppy Drew was gifted to the North River Fire Department by Southeastern Guide Dogs. Firefighters risk their lives to help others every day and in doing so, are exposed to unimaginable trauma. While these men and women are strong, sometimes they simply need to decompress after what they’ve witnessed. For stress relief, the North River Fire District turns to Drew, its Facility Therapy Dog. Each day, Drew dons his badge and he ads to the firehouse, raising spirits wherever he goes. What’s his secret chill pill? Check out the link below to watch “Chill Factor” the latest episode of the Emmy Award winning series Dogs of Destiny to find out. Also, please visit to learn more about Southeastern Guide Dogs.

Hot Dog Keeps his Company Cool on Dogs of Destiny
December 21, 2022