Ballpark of the Palm Beaches, Spring Training Facility for the Washington Nationals and Houston Astros
Ballpark of the Palm Beaches, Spring Training Facility for the Washington Nationals and Houston Astros
West Palm Beach
The Ballpark of the Palm Beaches occupies a site previously host to a closed trash landfill, specifically, the Haverhill Yard Trash Site, which is owned by Palm Beach County.
The landfill was historically used to dispose of typical household trash, along with yard trash. Trash was generally placed above the groundwater table. The landfill site was closed in the mid 1990’s (with Ardaman’s assistance). The trash was covered with a clean sand cap. In 2015, Ardaman performed over 100 SPT borings and various test pit explorations to determine the thickness and extent of the trash and natural ground conditions beneath the trash.
In addition, Ardaman developed a pilot trash screening program to better estimate the quantity and quality of screened material that could be reused on-site as fill, as well as recycling and/or disposal options for the balance of the material. The program included the excavation of trash from representative sections of the landfill and the screening of that trash with a combination of different sized screens in order to develop the optimum trash screening methodologies to obtain the best ratio of quality vs quantity of the screened material. A trash screening plan was developed in accordance with FDEP’s guidance document, GUIDANCE FOR DISTURBANCE AND USE OF OLD CLOSED LANDFILLS OR WASTE DISPOSAL AREAS IN FLORIDA.
From late 2015 until mid-2016, full scale trash mining was conducted, and these operations were monitored by Ardaman. About 40% of the mined material passed the 1.5 inch screen and was used as fill for the support of the stadium buildings and as general fill which will eventually be provided with a 2-foot thick cap layer of clean sand where exposed in green areas or beneath the baseball fields. Concrete debris was segregated, crushed and used as stabilized subgrade and base material; large pieces of wood are segregated and mulched. Remaining trash was transported to the Palm Beach Solid Waste Authority landfill. Ardaman is currently providing construction materials testing and building construction inspection services, and the project is anticipated to be completed in early 2017.