
Bulkhead Wall

Bulkhead Wall


Ardaman provided the geotechnical engineering parameters for the engineering design of the bulkhead wall at Berth 213 in the Port of Tampa.  Ardaman also developed procedures for placement of clayey, poor quality fill to maximize the use of this fill and minimize the need for imported clean fill.  Fill was placed by bulldozers from the land side, using a “Mud-Wave” technique to limit the segregation of the clay from the fill as it was placed through water.


When the loose fill began to push on the wall, tie-backs were installed behind the wall, and imported clean sand fill was brought in to complete the wall backfill.  Vibro-beam densification was performed in the deeper fill section to increase the density of the soils placed in this area.


Mini-Cone and Pore-pressure Cone Penetrometer tests were conducted in the completed fill after vibro-beam densification to determine when the deeper soils were dense enough to complete the fill to grade.

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