
Jacksonville District Core Drilling and Lab Testing

Jacksonville District Core Drilling and Lab Testing


Ardaman served the Jacksonville District as a geotechnical exploration contractor consultant under continuing services contracts from 1994 until 2005.  Under these contracts, Ardaman provided numerous types of field exploration and sampling and laboratory testing for the Jacksonville District staff, including the following core boring; split-spoon (SPT) sampling; rock coring; recharge tests; wash probing; percolation tests; vibracoring; pump tests, undisturbed sampling; piezometer installation; test pits and slug tests. Many of the listed services were provided on the following Jacksonville District projects:

 STA 1 East Levee Alignment, Palm Beach County, Florida

  • Big Cypress, Palm Beach County, Florida
  • Herbert Hoover Dike Piezometer Installation, Palm Beach & Martin Counties, Florida
  • Ft. Myers Channel O&M, Lee County, Florida
  • Sand Key Beach Re-nourishment, Beach Sampling, Pinellas County, Florida
  • C-51 Pump Stations, Palm Beach County, Florida

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